Saturday, September 4, 2010

Glenn Beck Talking About Sabbath and Sunday!

Received this email from a relative this morning, but she forgot to include the link.  Hopefully I'll be able to get the video or source up later.

"John, I just wanted to know if you watched the Glenn Beck show tonight. He was talking about the Sabbath and Sunday, and I could not believe my ears!  It is HERE."

UPDATE:  When she said, "It is HERE" I thought she had tried to give me link, so I emailed her back saying, "You forgot to send the link."

She responded:  "That's because I saw it on TV, not online. I didn't even see the whole thing, I was at a friend's house, and heard Glenn Beck saying something about the Sabbath and Sunday, and I stopped in my tracks. It was so shocking to hear.  I picked up bits and peices later on the show, he was really animated about his new perspective, that the leaders of churches need to come together open the church doors fornew members. Something to that effect. He sosunded like a pastor."

When she said in her first email, "It is HERE," she meant the Sunday law crisis.  I will post anything further information I can find on this show.

In this video link Glenn Beck refers to the Sunday sabbath in no uncertain terms:


Rocky said...

You mean this?

Josh said...

Thank you so much, Rocky, but I think this was from last night. If it was from last night though, I don't know how it could have been up so quick. When I find out, I'll get the information up. Thank you again! BTW, I really like and appreciate your site. Was there just yesterday again.