Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Germany Masters Europe

Check out these quotes from various news sources concerning Germany’s undisputed rise to geopolitical dominance over the nations of Europe. 

“Germany is the unquestioned leader of Europe,” said Charles Grant, director of the Center for European Reform. “France is definitely subordinate to Germany, and Britain has less influence than at any time I can recall.”

Britain Suffers as a Bystander to the Euro’s Crisis
“As European leaders prepare for crucial meetings this week in Brussels, what may have seemed like timid or even bumbling leadership is looking more like a consistent strategy of brinkmanship aimed at remaking the euro zone in Germany’s likeness.”

Angela Merkel, Germany’s Chancellor is walking a tightrope by resisting “appeals to appease the financial markets by lowering borrowing costs,” and wielding “the pain of soaring interest rates as a cudgel to extract painful changes…”

“German dominance of the euro zone,” says the British press, “with Mrs. Merkel as the unofficial but unchallenged leader of Europe — has in fact already arrived.”

Forced leadership changes in Greece and Italy have become omens of German hegemony in Europe. 

Merkel’s Path: Brinkmanship for Debt Crisis
Romano Prodi, former Prime Minister of Italy, and ex-president head of the European Commission said “Let’s take the German-French summit. By now it is a German-German summit. You cannot say it loudly, but it is true: Chancellor Merkel, in the end, is obliged to dictate the rules…”

“Rationality will assert itself. Germany cannot give up its fantastic economic situation in the world.”

‘Germany Must Make a Decision or the Game Is Over’
“During a televised interview back in early November, Sarkozy uttered almost unimaginable words for a French president: ‘All my efforts are directed towards adapting France to a system that works. The German system.’”

“Suddenly, Germany is being held up as a shining example for everyone else. It is almost the only country in the Eurozone that the markets still trust. It is almost the only one that has a history of carrying out far-reaching structural reforms. Almost overnight, Germany has become the de facto center of Europe.”

“It is becoming clear that Angela Merkel isn’t the only person who wants to reshape Europe in Germany’s image. The chancellor has become less inhibited about expressing her determination to revamp Europe — but many countries have already decided for themselves that Europe must follow Germany’s example if the common currency is to be saved.”

“Europe’s Germanization can be seen all over the continent.” In Italy, Prime Minister, Mario Monti’s fellow countrymen call him “‘more German than the Germans.’ Even the Italian media… has taken to listing everything the Germans do better: Their waste-recycling systems, their competitiveness and their education system.”

In Spain, the new premier, Mariano Rajoy, “has already pledged to bring the country’s national debt down to 4.4 percent of GDP in 2012, exactly as Merkel has demanded.”

In France, “day after day, the newspapers almost obsessively compare the two countries. ‘The German Europe’ was the headline of a recent article in a business magazine…”

“Georgios Trangas, one of Greece’s best-known journalists, said his country had become ‘a German protectorate of the Fourth Reich in southern Europe.’”

Europe Shudders at Germany’s New-Found Power
“Volker Kauder, parliamentary floor leader for Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats, was not entirely wrong. ‘Now, Europe is speaking German,’ he said.”

Germans Remain Unflappable During Euro Crisis
So, what’s happening in Europe anyway? Keep the Faith has been predicting for quite some time that Germany would become the dominant ruler, even dictator of Europe. That is now obvious to most observers. Keep the Faith has also documented how Angela Merkel, the daughter of a Lutheran pastor, is working hand in hand with the Vatican to resurrect a Christian (meaning Catholic) Europe united under Roman Catholic principles. Now with Germany controlling the economy of Europe, she is nearly in a position to economically enforce the resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. Even if two Europe’s arise, one governed by the Eurozone and the central authorities in Brussels, and one the periphery whose nations do not use the euro, Germany’s role will still impact them all in a powerful way. Even the non-eurozone nations will have to reckon with German hegemony and geopolitical influence because it will continue to loom over them.


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