Friday, July 1, 2011

Tennessee Urges to Post 10 Commandments

"Resolution affirms government 'rooted in belief in Almighty God'"
by Drew Zahn © 2011 World Net Daily 6/4/11
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

Rep. Todd Watson, author of the resolution, explains in its text, "It is imperative that these revered tablets continue to grace our public buildings, as reminders to this generation and the next of the vital role the Ten Commandments and its Author have played in shaping our great republic."

Coupled with the more than 90 percent of Tennessee counties that have already adopted similar resolutions acknowledging the historical significance of the Ten Commandments, H.R. 107 marks a bold fusillade in the ongoing battle over America's Christian heritage, particularly in the arena of constitutional law.

The House Resolution 107 urges Tennessee Counties to allow the Ten Commandments to be posted in their respective courthouses "WHEREAS, in order to preserve domestic tranquility and protect the blessings of liberty, the foundation of any government must rest upon both law and morality".

The resolution also includes the following statements:

WHEREAS, the Supreme Court has repeatedly recognized the historical importance of these sacred texts and even upheld Sunday closing laws, which originated in the Fourth Commandment's exhortation to remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy; and

WHEREAS, countless depictions of Moses and the Ten Commandments can be found throughout our nation's capital as a testament to the Decalogue's undeniable role in our country's legal tradition, including the magnificent displays adorning the Supreme Court Building, the Library of Congress's Jefferson Building, the National Archives, the Department of Justice, the Ronald Reagan Building, the federal courthouse that is home to both the Court of Appeals and the District Court for the District of Columbia and the Chamber of the United States House of Representatives; and

To Read the entire bill, CLICK HERE

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