Tuesday, December 7, 2010

UK Ordinariate Will Be Established in January

“Plans are moving ahead for the establishment in January of a personal ordinariate, as outlined in the apostolic constitution “Anglicanorum Coetibus,” for Anglicans wishing to enter the Catholic Church.

At the end of December five Anglican bishops will resign their positions in the Anglican Church and enter the Catholic Church in January requesting ordination as Catholic Priests under a new ordinariate to be established by papal decree.

All of this is preparation for the ordinary and the former Anglican bishops to “to assist with the preparation and reception of former Anglican clergy and their faithful into full communion with the Catholic Church during Holy Week,” said a statement released by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.

The new ordinariates are Rome’s way of decimating as much of the Anglican Church as possible. Remember it is the Anglican Church with the King James Bible and Protestant teachings that accompanied the British empire as it spread its colonies all over the world. It was single handedly responsible for establishing the English language as the language of business, trade and commerce, and especially laid the foundation for the protestant United States with its republican constitution. It was the Protestant British colonies that laid the foundation for the Remnant Church to grow and flourish and establish its unique and Biblical teachings, and which would carry the final warning to the world and proclaim the second coming of Christ.

The disintegration of the Anglican Church has great significance to those who understand the principles for which it once stood.

Zenit Article

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