Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pope Benedict XVI Calls for Diffusion of Church’s Social Doctrine

Pope Benedict XVI is underlining the need for more centers to study and diffuse the Church’s social doctrine. He stated this in a message sent to Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice in Peace, in a two-day meeting in Rome.

“In order to globalize the social doctrine of the Church,” he said, “it seems opportune to multiply the centres and institutes that are dedicated to its study, diffusion and realization throughout the world.”

Benedict is blunt in that his object is to make Catholic social teaching the foundation of all societies through institutions of influence. Through many different channels, the papacy seeks to reform the United Nations Organization, economic institutions, international finance, social organizations and educaation institutions so that Catholic teaching and principles pervade throughout the world. In Caritas in Veritate Benedict said that there is an “urgent need of a true world political authority.” Obviously, the pope is aiming to be that authority. (See Daniel 7:7, 8, 19, 20 and Revelation 18:7).

Benedict XVI the “construction of a social order that at last conforms to the moral order…” In plain language; the moral order that the Holy See would define.
The encyclical further advocates for the free movement of migrants. This strategy allows Catholic migrants to influence those host nations with thier Catholic social and moral teaching. With human numbers on her side, the Vatican fast gaining ground for the dissemination of her doctrines.

Caritas in Veritate also speaks about the globalisation crisis, and the encyclical’s solution is to allow for the “large-scale redistribution of wealth on a world-wide scale.” Benedict, at a World day event for migrants on 26th October, said “All have the same right to enjoy the goods of the earth whose destination is universal.” Redistribution of wealth takes money from rich countries and gives it to poor countries, and makes rich countries poorer. In the process, the Vatican can influence the process through influence on international financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund.

Benedict XVI has called on the Pontifical Council to “dedicate itself…to the search for more adequate ways to convey the contents of the social doctrine.” Benedict is trying to target “the great centres of formation of world thought,” such as the press, universities, economic and social institutions of the world.

“She is silently growing into power. Her doctrines are exerting their influence in legislative halls, in the churches, and in the hearts of men.” “History testifies of her artful and persistent efforts to insinuate herself into the affairs of nations; and having gained a foothold, to further her own aims, even at the ruin of princes and people.” Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, pg. 397; The Great Controversy, pg. 580.

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