Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Vatican: Dialogue takes more than talking

“Voicing opposite positions and irreconcilable ideologies is not truly dialogue, said Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, Vatican secretary for relations with states, at a recent UN General Assembly. Rather, he said, “true dialogue means exchanging and sharing wisdom.”

Dialogue, said the archbishop, extends to the “exchange of words and the search for balance between opposite interests to a real sharing of wisdom for the common good.”

Who is to define “wisdom” and the “common good?” Through these moral and ethical terms, Rome is telling the UN that their actions need to be defined by her moral teaching.

The Archbishop however affirmed that the UN was still of great interest to the Holy See, as the overall agenda of the UN is to unite the nations of the world under a new world order.

Archbishop Mamberti said that the history of human rights “shows that respect for religious liberty, which includes the right to express one’s faith publicly and to spread it, is the essential stone of the whole building of human rights,” the prelate affirmed.

Becoming the champion of Religious Liberty is ironic since throughout the dark ages, Rome was its destroyer.

“The pacific tone of Rome in the United States does not imply a change of heart. She is tolerant where she is helpless. Says Bishop O’Connor: ‘Religious liberty is merely endured until the opposite can be carried into effect without peril to the Catholic world…’ The archbishop of St. Louis once said: ‘Heresy and unbelief are crimes; and in Christian countries, as in Italy and Spain, for instance, where all the people are Catholics, and where the Catholic religion is an essential part of the law of the land, they are punished as other crimes…’” Great Controversy, p. 565.

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