Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Papal Move to Revive Christian Roots of Europe

“Pope Benedict XVI formally created a new Vatican office… to revive Christianity in Europe, his latest attempt to counter secular trends in traditionally Christian countries.”

In a new decree, Ubicumque et Semper (everywhere and always), which established the new council, the Pope said the new office would promote church doctrine, use the media to get the church’s message out and mobilize missionary-type activities.

The president of the new Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, Archbishop Salvatore Fisichella, said that “Europe will have to be the dicastery’s first priority, since that is the continent suffering the most aggressive process of dechristianization.”

It is also important from another perspective. With a huge decline in the traditional European population, and the rise of large numbers of Islamic immigrants in Europe, the Papacy sees that she might eventually be unable to establish herself as the cultural and religious center of Europe. So there is special urgency for reviving the Roman Catholic Church in Europe. The Vatican must re-establish her political control of Europe. In order to accomplish that, she must also resurrect her spiritual control of Europe in tandem.

But that’s not all. “Benedict has made reviving Europe’s Christian roots a priority. While the decree listed no specific geographical areas of concentration, the evangelization office is expected to also pay attention to Latin America, where evangelical movements are making inroads in traditionally Catholic countries such as Brazil.”

“In the decree, Benedict lamented that with tremendous scientific, social and cultural progress over the past century, parts of the world that once had strong Christian roots had grown to believe that they can exist without God.”

The Holy See must become the master of Europe if ‘all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him.” Revelation 13:8. The papal effort to revive the Christian roots of Europe is vital to Vatican’s future destiny.

Yahoo News Article

Zenit Article

Catholic News Agency Article

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