Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sarah Palin's 'Witchcraft Problem' Is Bigger Than Christine O'Donnell's 'Witchcraft Problem'

Witchcraft? Sarah Palin's got her own "witch problem" - her friends huntthem.Unlike Delaware Republican candidate for Senate Christian O'Donnell, Sarah Palin didn't "dabble in witchcraft." Rather, Palin has been friends with two avowed witch hunters who advocate that charismatic born-again Christians should "infiltrate" government and cleanse "the land" of unbelievers.  

Palin's witch hunter #1In October 2005, as she was launching her bid to be Alaska governor, Sarah Palin was prayed over and blessed by Kenyan evangelist Thomas Muthee, who called upon God [video link] to protect Palin against "every spirit of witchcraft".
Video of the event, below, shows Muthee giving a speech, at Palin's longtime church the Wasilla Assembly of God, in which he calls on charismatic Christians to "infiltrate" seven major sectors of society including government, business, media, and education. The ceremony was the culmination of Muthee's weeklong guest pastor appearance at the church.

It wasn't Muthee's first visit to the Wasilla Assembly of God, which Palin had attended for over two decades since she was born-again at the church as a teenager. In 1999 the church invited Thomas Muthee to Alaska because of his role in the firstTransformations video, by George Otis, Jr., that purports to show how Christians can create mini-utopias, in which crime and addiction rates plummet and giant vegetable crops grow, by driving out witches and demon spirits.

[video, below: Thomas Muthee, an avowed witch hunter, calls upon God to protect Sarah Palin from "every spirit of witchcraft."]

In Transformations 1, released in 1999, Thomas Muthee describes [video link] driving from a Nairobi, Kenya, suburb a "spirit of witchcraft" linked to an alleged witch named "Mama Jane." As noted in an October 11, 2008 AP news story, in May 2000 while she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Sarah Palin wrote a thank-you note to a former pastor, for loaning Palin the first Transformations video.  
On June 7, 2008, Sarah Palin used Alaska state funds to travel from Juneau to the Mat-Su Valley to attend two June 8th events hosted by the Wasilla Assembly of God. During one, at the Wasilla Sports Stadium, Palin dedicated Alaska to Jesus, and she was blessed and anointed by pastors Ed Kalnins and Phil Markwardt, the two pastors who along with Thomas Muthee had blessed and anointed Palin on October 16, 2005.
In the second June 8, 2008 ceremony, Palin spoke at the graduation [video link] of the Wasilla Assembly of God's Masters Commission program, a program for college-age students that teaches them Bible memorization, "authority," and how to talk to God. In the speech Palin warmly described her October 16, 2005 anointing by Thomas Muthee, who Palin referred to as "Bishop Muthee."
Towards the end of the event, the graduating Masters Commission students werepresented with Samurai swords.  
Thomas Muthee made a return visit to the Wasilla Assembly of God in late September 20, 2008, as chronicled and captured on video [see 2:35 in video] by journalist Max Blumenthal. Muthee declared,

"We come against all forms of witchcraft - all the python spirits that are released against the body of Christ."
     In September 2008, as media attention fixed on the Wasilla Assembly of God as Sarah Palin's most important church, the Wasilla church purged its video and audio archives of past sermons and events, including video and audio of Muthee's guest stint at the church in October 2005.
In 2009, when the Wasilla Assembly of God briefly reposted video and audio recordings from Thomas Muthee's October 2005 appearance at the church, I had the opportunity to collect them all. Here is an audio recording of pastor Ed Kalnins introducing, on October 11, 2005, Muthee's first October 2005 sermon at the church.
Palin's witch hunter #2
As described in a January 31, 2003 article from Spiritled Woman magazine, a subsidiary of Charisma magazine, in the mid 1990's Alaska evangelist Mary Glazier led her prayer warfare group in a campaign to drive an alleged witch out of Alaska. As the article detailed,

In 1995, Mary mobilized a prayer network for Alaska's prisons and began experiencing spiritual warfare as never before. She had received word that a witch had applied for a job as chaplain of the state's prison system.Emergency prayer groups were formed throughout the region. Intercessors came together and prayed that God would move the woman from Alaska to another state where she would hear the gospel.
Mary recalls, "As we continued to pray against the spirit of witchcraft, her incense altar caught on fire, her car engine blew up, she went blind in her left eye, and she was diagnosed with cancer."
Ultimately, the witch fled to another state for medical treatment. Soon after, revival visited every prison in Alaska.
At a June 12-14, 2008 religious conference held outside of Seattle, Mary Glazier told fellow New Apostolic Reformation leaders that Sarah Palin joined Glazier's personal Wasilla prayer warfare group in 1989.

"There was a 24-year old woman that God began to speak to about entering into politics. She became a part of our prayer group out in
Year later, became the mayor of Wasilla and, last year, was elected governor of the State of Alaska.Yes! Halleluajh!
At her inauguration she dedicated the state to Jesus Christ.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!"
During the speech, Mary Glazier described a program of "religious cleansing" in which unbelievers would have to convert to charismatic Christianity or be driven from "the land":

"There is a tipping point, at which, at which time, because of the sin of the land, the people then have to be displaced. But while this measure of wickedness is rising, the measure of faith in the church is rising. God is preparing a people to displace the ones whose sin is rising so that then they tip over and the church goes in - one is removed and the church moves in and takes the territory. Now, that does not mean that the people are removed, because God removes them from the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light. They are given an opportunity to change allegiances."
[video, below, features Mary Glazier's June 13, 2008 speech, "Releasing the Increase" which includes the above Glazier quotes]

An article that ran in the January, 2009 issue of Charisma magazine, The Faith of Sarah Palin, confirmed Sarah Palin's personal friendship with Mary Glazier. As the Charisma article described,

"Mary Glazier heads an Alaska-based prayer ministry called Windwalkers International. Charisma  caught up with her on her way to a prayer meeting in Anchorage, the purpose of which was to pray specifically for Palin. This is nothing new, according to Glazier. "We actually began to pray for [Palin] before she became mayor of Wasilla," Glazier says. "We felt then that she was the one God had selected."For several years, Glazier and other members of Windwalkers have prayed for Palin regularly--first when she was the mayor, then when she was the governor of Alaska, and when she was a vice presidential candidate. Last spring, Palin called Glazier and asked her to pray with her over the phone, and they met at the governor's prayer breakfast.
"She asked me to pray with her for wisdom and direction," Glazier recalls. "I sensed a real heart of surrender to the will of God in her. God often chooses the least likely people to be at the forefront, and I do believe that God has equipped [Palin] for this hour."
Glazier told Charisma that members of Windwalkers had received words of knowledge about Palin being "called to impact the nation."
While the Charisma article claimed that Sarah Palin belonged to some sort of generic version of Pentecostalism, the Wasilla Assembly of God is frequently visited by the apostles and prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation, and in a January 7, 2009 appearance apostle Dutch Sheets, speaking at the Wasilla church, introduced Mary Glazier [video link] as "the lady that brought us into the state."

As I described in a November 16, 2009 Alternet story, during the final weeks of the 2008 presidential election, Mary Glazier released a prophecy, from her close friend Eleanor Roehl, which hinted that the Alaska governor might soon get an unexpected career boost from a terrorist attack that would leave Palin alone, with America in mourning, "stepping into an office that she was mantled for."
As Rachel Tabachnick describes in a March 1, 2010 Alternet interview with journalist Bill Berkowitz, Heads Up: Prayer Warriors and Sarah Palin Are Organizing Spiritual Warfare to Take Over America although the apostles and prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation advocate driving out witches and demons, they have appeared with increasing frequency throughout 2009 and into 2010 up on stage with, blessing and anointing, major leaders of the Republican Party.


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