Thursday, September 9, 2010

"A group of evangelical leaders is calling on the church nationwide to pray and fast for six weeks prior to the midterm elections"

Jim Garlow was invited on to CBN this morning to pitch his Pray and ACT effort, where he warned that "our nation is in serious trouble" and that we may have "a short window of time to see this nation to turn and return to a spiritual renewal it once knew."  As such, it is imperative that people pray and fast heading into the election so that God will supernaturally touch America and save it from destruction:

Their focus, they say, is life, marriage and religious liberty.
Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, Calif., and Chuck Colson of the Prison Fellowship are leading the effort.
In 2008, Garlow organized church leaders across the state of California to support Proposition 8, which defined the institution of marriage in the Golden State as being between a man and a woman.   Source

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