Monday, August 23, 2010

UNPOSTED HERE: "Gruesome interrogation video"

I'm not posting this video, just the description.  I've seen a number of references to such utter cruelties on the web as we all have.  They are increasingly common from a multitude of sources.  Such cruelties in our times are  more of the clearest evidence that we are at the very end and that the return of Jesus is near, even at the doors.   "The last great conflict between the forces of good and evil is spoken of as 'a time of trouble such as never was.'  The violence which fills the earth will exceed that which existed before the destruction of the old world.UL 365.

"Here's a link to a video of an interrogation, supposedly of a policeman from Lerdo, Durango at the hands of alleged Zetas. The man corroborates recent stories (or better yet, is the source of recent stories) indicating that prisoners were released and armed to carry out killings, one incident of which took the lives of 17 people in Torreon, Coauhuila.  The man has obviously been tortured and is executed at the end of the video. Not for the faint at heart."

Don't perpetrators of such violence know that they will reap what they sow?  Don't they know that whatsoever ye mete how to others shall be meted out to you again?  Don't they know that God will pay them back to their face for every such atrocity?  God "will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face."  Dueteronomy 7:10.

"There will soon be a sudden change in God's dealings. The world in its perversity is being visited by casualties,--by floods, storms, fires, earthquakes, famines, wars, and bloodshed. The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power; yet He will not at all acquit the wicked. 'The Lord hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet.' O that men might understand the patience and longsuffering of God! He is putting under restraint His own attributes. His omnipotent power is under the control of Omnipotence. O that men would understand that God refuses to be wearied out with the world's perversity, and still holds out the hope of forgiveness even to the most undeserving! But His forbearance will not always continue. Who is prepared for the sudden change that will take place in God's dealing with sinful men? Who will be prepared to escape the punishment that will certainly fall upon transgressors?"  FE 356.

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