Sunday, August 1, 2010

Newt Gingrich, a Recent Convert to Catholicism and a Republican Candidate for President: What you Should know About his Scary Agenda

(Excerpts) Gingrich, former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, is currying favor with the Religious Right these days...he is pushing hard for Christian theocracy. In recent years, he has published a book called Rediscovering God in America: Reflections on the Role of Faith in Our Nation’s History and Future, cuddled up with “Christian nation” propagandist David Barton, delivered the commencement address at the late Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University and suggested that the 1999 Columbine killings and the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings should be blamed on our “godless” public schools.

And now Gingrich is openly consorting with right-wing extremists. In his letter, he urges readers to check out information from “my good friend Dr. Jim Garlow, the President of Renewing American Leadership.” (Renewing American Leadership is another of Gingrich’s front groups.)

Garlow, Gingrich’s hand-picked man, is a right-wing minister steeped in “dominionist” thinking that wants to impose a harsh Christian regime in the United States. According to students of the Religious Right, Garlow and his friends want fundamentalists to take control of the “seven mountains” of American life – government, education, family, media, arts and entertainment, business and religion.

This year, Garlow, Gingrich and their allies are pushing a “Pray and A.C.T.” project to fast for 40 days before the November election and then elect candidates who support their theocratic agenda.

Pretty ominous objective...
The people who really worry me are Gingrich and his cronies. The Religious Right has the money, the numbers, the propensity for duplicity and the theological zeal to disproportionately influence – if not dominate – American political life.   Source

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