Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Coalescing of the Christian Right with Apostolic Dominionism

It is not about FREEDOM, it is about DOMINION
NOTE:  This blogger's comments highlight the truth, "The final movements will be rapid ones."  9T 11. 

(Excerpts)  "The NEW BREED of Christian is poised to take over the earth, precinct by precinct. God's Army is rising up. It is time to put on the militant garb. The glint in the eye becomes fixed as the exhilaration of the hour sweeps through the masses. They can make a difference! The world has been waiting with bated breath for this LAST DAY GENERATION. False prophets in their midst are caught in sin, under discipline, yet their tapes sell to believers of their false prophecies. The call for unity is the common cause bringing them from every denomination. They are calling their unity "revival." After all, when they have set up the Kingdom here on the earth - they will have fulfilled the mandate given to Adam to subdue the earth. A new sound is heard in the land. The music gets louder and the beat gets stronger (even bringing in rock, metal, and funk) but oddly enough the lyrics are always the same! - The choruses proclaiming the triumphant song of the conquerors!" -"The Kingdomizers Have Arrived!" Discernment Newsletter, May/June 1992.

The American political landscape has suddenly changed. A tumult is appearing in the land with the passage of health care reform. The Christian Right, with its years of courting political influence, is now poised to merge with the new Tea Party Movement. In times of crisis, natural or caused, things seem to happen faster and opportunities, that would take years, seem to happen in months.
Some political conservatives are stoking a political upheaval, and they need recruits. Christian Right people have for years worked the political Right. Now the time seems right (pun intended). The New Apostolic Reformation, which has been called the largest protestant movement you have never heard of, apparently is ready for a "mating dance" with the Christian Right and by extension the Political Right. Surely, the NAR [New Apostolic Reformation] must see this as a match made in heaven which they hope could eventually lead to Dominion.

Janet Porter, a long time Christian shock radio personality with a turbo powered presentation and longtime political right contacts, is openly promoting Dominion. She has been quoted as saying: "our goal is to take dominion in every area and occupy until Jesus comes." She has not been bashful, and has consigned Christians, who voted for Obama, to Hell. I am sure glad I didn't vote for Obama.
...During the conference Porter prayed publicly that God would grant control of the media. She suggested taking over CBS and renaming it the Christian Broadcasting System. It appears that the media is the first of the Seven Mountains to be conquered for the kingdom. Where will this leave CBN, TNN and God TV which now reaches 212 countries? In passing, Cindy Jacobs did not disappoint the conference thrill seekers. She told of the Seraphim coming into her room and catching it on fire.

...All of this will give the NAR a respected place in Christian Right and national politics. But the agenda of NAR goes beyond social values and politics. This agenda is to infiltrate, to dominate.

The merging of Christian Right Politics and Apostolic/Prophetic Dominionism is a giant leap forward for the Dominion Mandate they espouse. “Apostle” Jim Laffoon has written:

"Have you ever wondered why we have spent two thousand years reaching the the same nations OVER and OVER and OVER again? It's because we've only set the goal of reaching them, and not understanding what it is to rule them... Before it is all done, God will give us hundreds of Apostles and Prophets... for they will equip the greatest army of professionals... the world has ever seen.... We believe that the Kingdom of God can come upon the earth as it is in heaven... We believe we will produce a generation that will not only reach but rule. We are called to change history. We are called to produce a generation that will rule. I believe one day we will leave our children Nations and Regions and Continents."   Source

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