Monday, July 5, 2010

Ron Wyatt's Ark of the Covenant Claims are a Clear Manifestation of Satan's "infernal subtlety" Against the Followers of Christ

Ron Wyatt's story of the Ark of the Covenant directly contradicts the word of God.
In his book exposing Ron Wyatt's deceptions, Russell Standish referred to these specific claims regarding the Ark of the Covenant as Satan's "infernal subtlety" against God's people.  He wrote:  With the "..absolutely baseless assertions of Ron Wyatt, [Satan] has beguiled us," and counsels, "Dear Brothers and Sisters, please,...let not these utterly unsafe claims take our crowns from us."

Ron Wyatt, now deceased, asserted that Christ's blood dripped down through a crevice 22 feet below onto the Mercy Seat and the Ark of the Covenant that Jeremiah had hidden over five centuries before.  If Wyatt's claims are analyzed in the light of Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy, it becomes abundantly clear that this did not occur.  Wyatt claimed to have actually talked with four angels and with Christ Himself.  The Bible instructs the followers of Christ to "believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God." 1 John 4:1.  We must test everything by the word of God. "Whatever contradicts God's word, we may be sure proceeds from Satan."  PP 55.  "Many will stand in our pulpits with the torch of false prophecy in their hands, kindled from the hellish torch of Satan."  TM 409.

When Christ breathed His last upon the cross, "No longer would the presence of God overshadow the earthly mercy-seat." 3SP 166.  Christ was ever in unison with the will of His Father.  If His Father's presence had withdrawn from the literal Mercy Seat of the Old Covenant, the blood of His Son most assuredly would not at the same moment have been anointing it.  "By the rending of the veil of the temple, God said, I can no longer reveal my presence in the most holy place."  YI, June 21, 1900.  Instead of anointing furniture of the old sanctuary that no longer had significance or meaning,  the blood of Christ then shed "was to be offered by Himself in the heavenly sanctuary."  EW 253"For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us." Hewbrew 9:24.

"One sanctuary was on earth, the other is in Heaven." GC 413.   Ron Wyatt's claims are at directly contrary to the word of God and the Spirit of Prophecy.   Let none be deceived:  That "christ" and the four "angels" who appeared to Ron Wyatt were not from above, but from beneath.  It could not be otherwise.

"In the spring of A. D. 31, Christ the true sacrifice was offered on Calvary. Then the veil of the temple was rent in twain, showing that the sacredness and significance of the sacrificial service had departed. The time had come for the earthly sacrifice and oblation to cease."  DA 233.  "By virtue of His death and resurrection He became the minister of the 'true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.' Heb. 8:2. Men reared the Jewish tabernacle; men builded the Jewish temple; but the sanctuary above, of which the earthly was a type, was built by no human architect.DA 165.

"When Christ upon the cross cried out, 'It is finished' (John 19:30), and the veil of the temple was rent in twain, the Holy Watcher declared that the Jewish people had rejected Him who was the antitype of all their types, the substance of all their shadows. Israel was divorced from God."  DA 709.  Christ blood would not have flowed down to the literal, now meaningless, Mercy Seat.  Instead, "by His own blood" He entered "in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us."  Hebrews 9:12.

Again, Ron Wyatt has stated that, at His crucifixion, the blood of Christ "went down through that crack: onto the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant that God had arranged to be hidden in that chamber hundreds of years before Christ died."   Jesus did not offer his blood before the literal Ark.  "But lo, this veil is rent in twain. The most holy place of the earthly sanctuary is no longer sacred." DA 756.  The blood of our Savior would not anoint that which was no longer sacred and had lost significance.  "When Christ cried out, 'It is finished,' the Holy Watcher that was an unseen guest at Belshazzar's feast pronounced the Jewish nation to be a nation unchurched."  5BC 1109.

"Since the whole ritual economy was symbolical of Christ, it had no value apart from Him. When the Jews sealed their rejection of Christ by delivering Him to death, they rejected all that gave significance to the temple and its services. Its sacredness had departed. It was doomed to destruction. From that day sacrificial offerings and the service connected with them were meaningless."  DA 165.   Clearly, these sentiments which beguiled Ron Wyatt emanated not from Christ, but from his arch-enemy who wanted only to insult His sacrifice and discredit the plan of salvation.

"When Christ on the cross cried out, 'It is finished,' the veil of the temple was rent in twain....This act signified to the heavenly universe, and to a world corrupted by sin, that a new and living way had been opened to the fallen race, that all sacrificial offerings terminated in the one great offering of the Son of God. He who had hitherto dwelt in the temple made with hands, had gone forth never again to grace it with His presence."  ST Dec. 8, 1898.  

"The darkness upon the face of nature expressed her sympathy with Christ in his expiring agony. It evidenced to humanity that the Sun of Righteousness, the Light of the world, was withdrawing his beams from the once favoured city of Jerusalem. It was a miraculous testimony given of God, that the faith of after-generations might be confirmed."  PrT, February 4, 1886.  Wyatt's claims would have us believe that while these most solemn scenes were transpiring, Christ's blood, in stark contrast and contradiction, was flowing underground to anoint the Mercy Seat of the old covenant and man made sanctuary!  Is not the source of these sentiments obvious for all to see?  Is it not obvious, as Russel Standish stated, that they are a manifestation of  Satan's "infernal subtlety" against the people of God? We may know with perfect assurance that Jesus did not offer his blood before the literal Ark.

"to anoint the Most Holy."  Daniel 9:24
Ron Wyatt and his followers quote frequently from the Spirit of Prophecy to substantiate their claims.  They assert that the phrase "and to anoint the most Holy" in the 70 Week Prophecy of Daniel 9  prophesied the  anointing of the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant:
"When Christ died on the cross and the centurion stabbed him in the side with his spear, Christ's blood and water flowed out. Christ's blood went into the large crack in the ground at the base of the cross, and it continued underground through the split in the rocks caused by the earthquake, and the blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God went upon the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant that was buried in the cave that is approximately 20 feet right below the crucifixion site! (The prophecy in Daniel 9:24 foretold of this very wonderful and special event! The 'most holy' place was anointed with Christ's blood!)"  Source
But, referring to these verses in Daniel 9, Ellen White reveals the true meaning of the biblical phrase, "to anoint the Most Holy":

"The time of Christ's coming, His anointing by the Holy Spirit, His death, and the giving of the gospel to the Gentiles, were definitely pointed out. It was the privilege of the Jewish people to understand these prophecies, and to recognize their fulfillment in the mission of Jesus."   DA 234.

There we have it, clear and unmistakable: The phrase "to anoint the Most Holy" is one of the items "definitely pointed out" in Daniel 9:24. and Ellen White states that it points to the anointing of Christ at His baptism, "His anointing by the Holy Spirit."

Ron Wyatt's theory on Christ's blood dripping down on to the Ark is contrary to scripture and the out working of God's will.

The literal. symbolic earthly Temple and Ark pointed to Christ sacrifice for mankind, and his ascension to heaven and the presence of His Father with the value of His shed blood and His sinless life. Paul is clear that Christ did not offer His blood before the literal Ark and Mercy Seat made by human hands, which were merely a shadow or copy of the reality, but before the very person of God the Father for us. There is no allowance for a pouring of His blood before the literal man made Ark when Jesus died for us - that would be in conflict with the whole biblical teaching of Christ's sacrifice and the plan of salvation.


Roman G. said...

cit.: "The time of Christ's coming, His anointing by the Holy Spirit, His death, and the giving of the gospel to the Gentiles, were definitely pointed out. It was the privilege of the Jewish people to understand these prophecies, and to recognize their fulfillment in the mission of Jesus." DA 234.
There we have it, clear and unmistakable: The phrase "to anoint the Most Holy" is one of the items "definitely pointed out" in Daniel 9:24 and Ellen White states that it points to the anointing of Christ at His baptism, "His anointing by the Holy Spirit."

John, your argumentation is flawed at this point. Just re-read DA, chapter 24 and and you shall see that Ellen White refers here to the words "unto the Messiah {the Anointed One} the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks" from Daniel 9:25 and not to the phrase "to anoint the Most Holy" from Daniel 9:24. Consider these EGW’s words:

" A starting point for this period is given: "Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks," sixty-nine weeks, or four hundred and eighty-three years. Dan. 9:25. The commandment to restore and build Jerusalem, as completed by the decree of Artaxerxes Longimanus (see Ezra 6:14; 7:1, 9, margin), went into effect in the autumn of B. C. 457. From this time four hundred and eighty-three years extend to the autumn of A. D. 27. According to the prophecy, this period was to reach to the Messiah, the Anointed One. In A. D. 27, Jesus at His baptism received the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and soon afterward began His ministry. Then the message was proclaimed. "The time is fulfilled."[...]
The time of Christ's coming, His anointing by the Holy Spirit, His death, and the giving of the gospel to the Gentiles, were definitely pointed out." DA 234.

So in what prophecy was the time of Christ’s "anointing by the Holy Spirit... definitely pointed out "? According to this very clear Ellen White’s statement, it was prophesied in Daniel 9:25! And in the passage in question from the DA book she does not give special exposition to the phrase "... and to anoint the most Holy" (Dan. 9:24). One may argue that both phrases "... and to anoint the most Holy" (Dan. 9:24) and "unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks" (Dan. 9:25) prophesied the same event (namely, Jesus’ anointing by the Holy Spirit), but Ellen White does not approve this conjecture.

Anonymous said...

Roman G., yesterday, November 3, 2010, was my first time to see your comment, which I found after specifically looking up this former post. Thank you very much for sharing your views. I will be studying your points in the days ahead.

Roman G. said...

John, thank you for your reply. I feel I should add some thoughts in order to clarify my position. As far as I can see, no one to this day has produced clear Biblical evidence that neither proves nor disproves Ron Wyatt’s AoC scenario. I’ve read the Standishes’ book, and a lot more, and I’m still unsatisfied with the quality of the Biblical “counter-evidence” that was introduced in the course of the discussion. Since we have no conclusive scriptural evidence, both contra and pro, I think it would be wise of us to continue our efforts to find out what the Scriptures are really telling us on the subject (for example, can we state that we truly understand the meaning of Je.3:16-18?).

I like the way in which Jim Pinkoski (RW’s supporter) has once put it: “we need to be very careful about believing Ron's Ark of the Covenant scenario. IT IS NOT YET PROVEN, so accordingly NO ONE should be discussing this event as if it were a "proven fact" – at this point it is merely a possibility, a scenario for us to study and pray about. [...] Ron's AofC scenario is merely NEW GROUND for Adventists to face – and it needs to be studied by ALL Adventists, not just a small group of conservative Adventists”. – And not only by Adventists, I’d say (being non-SDA myself).

On the other hand, while believing that the question remains still unsettled, personally I favor the negative conclusion. For me, the absence of positive evidence from the Bible is the evidence against RW’s theory. If this theory is true, then: (a) according to Am.3:7 principle, this event surely was foretold in one of the OT prophecies – so where are these prophecies? (b), the next question is – was this event foretold by Christ Himself? (c) what about the Apostolic Epistles – how do they treat this event, which is surely of no small importance for every Christian; (d) and finally – was RW’s AoC discovery foretold by the Book of Revelation, which specially deals with the Last Time events?

In my opinion, the answer to the last three questions is NO. As for the first question, the ONLY Biblical text that has been produced by the proponents of Ron’s theory was Dan. 9:24. Unfortunately, there’s no unanimity among scholars as to the meaning of the words “most Holy” (‘kodesh kadashim’) in Dan. 9:24 – some believe these words refer to the Messiah while others suppose these words have something to do with the sacred objects from the Temple or the Most Holy apartment of the Temple. So can we consider Daniel 9:24 the strong argument in favor of Ron’s theory?

Roman G. said...

With regard to Ellen White’s statements concerning the fate of the earthly ark and the set of tables of stone hidden therein ( and the probable “anoinment” of the Mercy Seat by the Blood of Christ) – let us examine the following texts:

“Among the righteous still in Jerusalem, to whom had been made plain the divine purpose, were some who determined to place beyond the reach of ruthless hands THE SACRED ARK CONTAINING THE TABLES OF STONE ON WHICH HAD BEEN TRACED THE PRECEPTS OF THE DECALOGUE. This they did. With mourning and sadness they secreted the ark in a cave, where it was to be hidden from the people of Israel and Judah because of their sins, and was to be no more restored to them. THAT SACRED ARK IS YET HIDDEN. IT HAS NEVER BEEN DISTURBED SINCE IT WAS SECRETED.” Prophets and Kings, p. 453

"And He [Christ] gave unto Moses, when He had made an end of communicating with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written by the finger of God." Nothing written on those tables could be blotted out. The precious record of the law was placed in the ark of the testament and IS STILL THERE, SAFELY HIDDEN FROM THE HUMAN FAMILY. But in God's appointed time He will bring forth THESE tables of stone to be a testimony to all the world against the disregard of His commandments and against the idolatrous worship of a counterfeit Sabbath – Manuscript 122, 1901. (Quoted in The SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 1, p. 1109.)

“In the Temple service, when the animal brought as a sacrifice was slain, the high priest, clothed in white robes, caught in his hand the blood that gushed forth, and cast it in the direction of the tabernacle or Temple. This was done seven times, as an expression of perfection. So Christ, the great antitype, Himself both high priest and victim, clothed with His own spotless robes of righteousness, after giving His life for the world, cast the virtue of His offering, a CRIMSON CURRENT, IN THE DIRECTION OF THE HOLY PLACE, reconciling man to God through the blood of the cross” – Ms 101, 1897, pp. 11, 12 {4MR 243.3}

“Thus Christ, in His own spotless righteousness, after shedding His precious blood, enters into the holy place to cleanse the sanctuary. And THERE THE CRIMSON CURRENT is brought into the service of reconciling God to man.” – 4T, p. 122

Anonymous said...

Roman G, thank you for your further comments. I have been carefully studying your FIRST comment this morning, and have tentatively concluded that you are right and I am wrong, meaning that I may well have jumped the gun in applying "to anoint the Most Holy" to the anointing of Christ at his baptism. I say this because it appears that the original Hebrew wording for "the Most Holy" in the Old Testament previously referred to a place, not a person, and your argument as to Ellen White's position makes sense.

That part of my post re Daniel 9:25 was an after-thought after researching the phrase "Most Holy" in the Ellen White writings. Ellen White's statements in chapter 23 of Desire of Ages are clear, but I misinterpreted her meaning as you point out.

I believe that the arguments in the first part of my post and the last two paragraphs are very sound. I can not agree that, " one to this day has produced clear Biblical evidence that neither proves nor disproves Ron Wyatt’s AoC scenario." Christ's blood would not have been flowing down to anoint something that was meaningless and no longer relevant.

As Ellen White states in that chapter of Desire of Ages, "...Christ the true sacrifice was offered on Calvary. Then the veil of the temple was rent in twain, showing that the sacredness and significance of the sacrificial service had departed. The time had come for the earthly sacrifice and oblation to cease" - Thus Christ blood could not have been flowing down to anoint the literal ark, now devoid of sacredness and significance. Ron Wyatt's claims re the Ark of the Covenant make a mockery of Christ's sacrifice on the cross and were inspired from beneath. This is the assertion I make without hesitation. I agree with Russell Standish's statement that Ron Wyatt's claims re the Ark of the Covenant were inspired by Satan's "infernal subtlety" against the remnant church.

As I concluded in my post I believe that the Bible is clear that Christ did not offer His blood before the literal Ark and Mercy Seat made by human hands, which were merely a shadow or copy of the reality, but before the very person of God the Father for us. There is no allowance for a pouring of His blood before the literal man made Ark when Jesus died for us - that would be in conflict with the whole biblical teaching of Christ's sacrifice and the plan of salvation.

Roman G. said...

There's another aspect of this story. We must keep in mind that on the cross Christ fulfilled different types and shadows. He became the antitype of Isaac offered by his father as a sacrifice upon one of the mountains in the land of Moriah. He became the antitypical Passover lamb (1Co.5:7; Jn.19:36). He fulfilled the shadow of the brazen serpent (Jn.3:14). So what if Ron’s event was a manifestation of just another type being fulfilled by Christ on Golgotha? After Ron’s death such typological theory was proposed by his followers. This is how Aaron Sen describes this view: “When Christ sprinkled His blood and water above the law of the Ten Commandments, He was fulfilling a certain ceremony that Moses had already carried out. What ceremony was carried out in the Old Testament, which the blood and water of Christ on the Mercy Seat fulfilled? Well, when Moses confirmed the Old Covenant, he sprinkled blood and water above the law, and this was a type of what Christ was to do. So when Christ confirmed the New Covenant (which He did on the cross), He too had to sprinkle His blood and water above the law… just as Ron Wyatt found!”. For further explanation please proceed to this link:

Roman G. said...

John, you wrote: “Paul is clear that Christ did not offer His blood before the literal Ark and Mercy Seat made by human hands, which were merely a shadow or copy of the reality, but before the very person of God the Father for us”. Yes, the evidence of Hebrews, ch.7-10 is clear – the fulfillment of the yearly typical service of the high priest on the Day of Atonement took place in heaven, where Christ, the true High Priest, “ his own blood...entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us” (He.9:12). But let us not forget that partially the antitype of that yearly atoning service has been revealed here, on earth: Christ has suffered death as an ultimate sacrifice on earth and here His blood was shed for the sins of the world. Please note what Ellen White states in the text cited above (Ms 101, 1897, pp. 11, 12). Dare we negate the possibility of Christ’s blood falling down onto the Mercy Seat of the earthly Ark as well as onto the heavenly one? (“For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands...” He.9:24 – does this text indicate that “Christ did not offer His blood before the literal Ark and Mercy Seat made by human hands”? I'm not so sure... Also please note that, according to Ron’s AoC scenario, it was only Christ’s blood that has reached the earthly Mercy Seat, while Christ Himself did not enter “into the holy places made with hands...” – this event took place AFTER His death).

Roman G. said...

However, some of Ron Wyatt’s statements re his alleged discovery of the AoC were not free of errors. In the document entitled “Important Message Regarding the Blood of Christ” Ron Wyatt wrote: “Salvation through faith and obedience is a free gift from Christ, the fulfillment of every “type” portrayed in the early sacrificial system. But, until His death, EVERY EVENT WOULD MEET ITS ANTITYPE ON EARTH, not in heaven. For we know that Christ told Mary on the day of His resurrection that He had not yet ascended to His Father (John 20:17). His Blood was shed on earth – not in heaven. And God preserved His earthly Throne, the Mercy Seat on the ark of the Covenant, and kept it undefiled by man or Satan. Only upon the Mercy Seat could Christ’s Blood be offered to His Father. But, the Blood and the Water fell upon it, and the offering was accepted. It was finished. The once and eternal offering was made” (capitalization mine – R.G.).
Here we see an obvious error: the phrase marked by capitalization tells us something different from the biblical teaching of Hebrews 9, which unequivocally shows that the antitype of that yearly priestly service took place in heaven. Also, Ron’s statement “Only upon the [earthly, as may be inferred from the context – R.G.] Mercy Seat could Christ’s Blood be offered to His Father” lacks biblical references. Another red flag to me is when Ron links the words “It was finished” with (yet unproven) “anointing” of the Mercy Seat by the Blood of Christ. Let’s look at the testimony of the Bible: “After this, Jesus knowing that ALL THINGS WERE NOW ACCOMPLISHED, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst. Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth. When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, IT IS FINISHED: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost” Jn.19:28-30.

Also in the above mentioned document Ron Wyatt made the following statement: “And as “anointing” was symbolic of the cleansing and covering by Christ’s Blood, the antitype of the anointing of the Most Holy Place can only be the “anointing” by the only substance which can ever cleanse and purify – the Blood of Christ.” Once again, the biblical evidence is different – the Bible says that physical anointment of the OT era points to another spiritual phenomenon, namely, the presence of the Holy Ghost in the lives of the true servants of God (Lk.4:17-21; Ac.10:37,38; 2Co.1:21,22; 1Jn.2:20,27).

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Roman G, you ask, "Dare we negate the possibility of Christ’s blood falling down onto the Mercy Seat of the earthly Ark as well as onto the heavenly one?"

Yes, brother, personally I can exclude that possibility without hesitation.

How? Because I know that whatever contradicts the word of God proceeds from Satan.

Christ was ever obedient to the will of His Father, ever in complete unison with His will.

When Christ died upon the cross we know that "no longer would the presence of God overshadow the earthly mercy-seat" - this being so, would Christ's blood then and there be anointing the very thing the presence of God had eternally forsaken? No! Impossible!

If "the sacredness and significance of the sacrificial service had departed," Christ's blood could not at the same time have been investing them with meaning, sacredness and significance.

If "the most holy place of the earthly sanctuary is no longer sacred" at the cross, the sacred blood of Christ could not be in very act of anointing that which was thus meaningless.

Personally I see the hand of Satan in this false claim. It cheapens and negates the blood of Christ to believe it anointed that which was insignificant, meaningless, and no longer sacred.

As I mentioned in my post:

When Christ breathed His last upon the cross, "No longer would the presence of God overshadow the earthly mercy-seat." 3SP 166.

If His Father's presence had withdrawn from the literal Mercy Seat of the Old Covenant, the blood of His Son most assuredly would not at the same moment have been anointing it. "By the rending of the veil of the temple, God said, I can no longer reveal my presence in the most holy place." YI, June 21, 1900. Instead of anointing furniture of the old sanctuary that no longer had significance or meaning, the blood of Christ then shed "was to be offered by Himself in the heavenly sanctuary." EW 253.

Anonymous said...

Hebrew 9:11-12:

"But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; 12Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us." KJV

These verses clearly show that Jesus offered his blood for us in the heavenly temple that was not made with hands, before His Father. The ark of the covenant pictured Jehovah's presence, and the high priest offering the blood once a year, pictured Jesus offering his blood before God for the sins of mankind.

Paul's discussion of the heavenly temple in Hebrews is all you really need to disprove Wyatt's claims.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful article. Thanks for sharing

leon said...

sorry for bad english I am afrikaans speaking.I can see no 100% clear Byble controdiction in Ron`s statements.Infact it could be the proper ending of the tipe bofore starting with the anti tipe.The only wrong spirite I can detect is caling some one`s view satanic if he is not in direct controdiction with the Byble.Thanks for this web.

Anonymous said...

Seems the bias is thick against Ron Wyatt. Nooo I won't believe my lying eyes. If there is an honest heart these things before you would be evidence of Satan's hand trying to conceal the proof of Noah's Ark. Is it too far fetched to believe the established world centralized orders ( government bodies, ie: FDA, FCC, Universities, etc.) are at work here? Yes, it seems obvious to me but to pretend there is an actual secular scientific body hard at work to prove what their master (the prince of the power of the air) has worked so hard to conceal is folly. God Almighty will surely bring every knee to bow, don't be too eager to bow to the systems which are at work to deceive you by being a willing participant to the stench they call peer review, scientific review etc.

Leon said...

I gave this some thought.When Jesus presented his blood in the heavenly, most holy, it was not His actual blood ,it could only be the fulfillment of the symbolic TIPE that He could offer the Father.

In this world there are only two groops,the sun worshipping babylonions who directly or indirectly have their "holy father"in Rome and those who follow Jesus and love and worship their Holy Father in heaven. The disciples of Jesus reject people not following Him directly, but Jesus reply" Mark.9:40,For he that is not against us is on our part". Ron is not fighting Jesus. He is our brother.

Leon said...

My previous statement refers. I withdraw my previous statements after reconsidering everything.

There is no possibility that Jesus and His angels could appear to him. That is in total contradiction with the Bible.

Jesus clearly stated that He is going to prepare a place for us and when He returns it is to fetch us and not to visit us.

Linda said...

Jesus would never have left anything identifiable from Himself, knowing that gullible humans would start worshipping the object. Given that this man thinks he has been visited by Jesus, then I feel sure Satan is capable of concocting a special blood mix to fool humans. That is, if the story is true. Some of the best conmen are so sincere in the moment they nearly fool themselves. Emotions are not difficult to produce if you're acting. Where is the written results of the so-called blood test, anyway? Not true, and just another sidetrack for gullible and mostly unconverted people.

Ty Alexander Huynh said...

Let's not be too quick to draw conclusions. Remember we are all flawed and limited creatures, and that our carnal nature simply cannot comprehend correctly because we see things with worldly viewpoints. That includes interpreting Scripture.

Our God, Christ Jesus, is the only one who knows the full truth. Rely on Him to interpret all things, which means knowing how to let God interpret: see How the Holy Spirit Teaches

"Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding..." Proverbs 3:5

Anonymous said...

I have ABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT at all that the claims of Ron Wyatt
are TRUE and time will reveal them.

Unknown said...

My dear friends,
I was born to a christian family where i attended church and had traditional beliefs about Christianity but when i moved to Australia where i encountered a big crisis and i developed a personal attachment with God and i decided to Get baptized once again when i believed that its God's call.
After my Baptism i realized the presence of Holy spirit in me, I spend most of the time praying and reading Bible.
One night I saw a video in which a pastor talking about the Ark of Covenant and Ron Wyatt.
I found it interesting and i searched for the original video in youtube, I found the ' Revealing God's treasures' which started with the discovery of destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
When i saw the video i felt its originality and sincerity.
I always believed that God answered me through the Bible when i asked anything with tears and that are relevant.
After seeing the Sodom and Gomorrah destruction, with tears i prayed to God to reveal it to me through the Bible. And i was really overwhelmed to see the
2Peter 2:6 God condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, destroying them with fire, and made them an example of what will happen to the Godless.
Then my eyes were flooded with tears and I realized that the WORD of God has life and believed that the WORD is God.
Then I kneel before God and prayed to give me a proof of the Ark of covenant and the Blood found by Ron.
Again as a miracle the chapter I opened first was Hebrews 10.8
First he said," You neither want nor are you pleased with sacrifices and offerings or with animals burnt on altar and the sacrifices to take away sins." He said this even though all these sacrifices are offered according to law,. Then he said," Here I am , O God to do your will." So God does away with all the old sacrifices and puts the sacrifice of Christ in their place. Because Jesus Christ did what God wanted him to do, we are all purified from sin by the offering that he made of his own body once and for all.

I tell this true experience to all who know me .. As a real servant of Christ, I do not want to tell a false experience. This is all what i saw and i can strongly say that the Holy Spirit made Ron to discover the ARK of Covenant.

Anonymous said...

this gives more understanding to the WORD of God. especially that mentioned in Hebrews.
It says of the great high priest seated above at the right hsnd of God.
Its about Jesus.I consider the discovery as a truth.

Anonymous said...

Dear friends..
Ron says that it was the presence of the Holy Spirit that revealed him the truth.
So don't say that it was a wrong spirit that guided him because,
But whoever says evil things against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, because he has committed an eternal sin( Mark 3:29)

Anonymous said...

The Bible instructs us to test the spirits by the word of God. "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."1 John 4:1

How do we test the spirits? By the word of God! "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.". Isaiah 8:20

It's not what someone claims, not how we feel or the tears that well up in our eyes (as sincere as these may be), it's, "What saith the word of God", or as Jesus put it, "How readest thou?"

Whatever contradicts the word of God, we may sure, proceeds from Satan.

Anonymous said...

Think I heard Ron Wyatt take the Lord's name in vain in one of his videos...goes to show he was not even a Christian.

lightinclayjar said...

Just because you disagree with the doctrinal implications of Ron's announcements doesn't mean you can accuse him of being duped by satan. All you have done is use his soapbox to preach against something Ron said which goes against your religious standpoint.... a standpoint that has more in common with man-made traditions of Rome than the truth that is Messianic Israel.

Unknown said...

One problem I have with this article is trying to prove this man was decieved by Satan from Ellen G White accounts. Many of her claims from her "visions" can be disproved directly by the Bible. I would strongly recommend for you to do your own study on Ellen G White.

Unknown said...

One problem I have with this article is trying to prove this man was decieved by Satan from Ellen G White accounts. Many of her claims from her "visions" can be disproved directly by the Bible. I would strongly recommend for you to do your own study on Ellen G White.

Anonymous said...

You, the person who wrote this article calling Ron's spirit names;
Read Mark 3:28-29

Anonymous said...

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4th generation SDA said...

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And then tell me about contadictions.

Anonymous said...

When I listen to Ron Wyatt's accounts... I do not hear him stating anything that contradicts the Bible.

I never once heard him say that you had to believe anything he said as part of your salvation.

I did hear him say that you didn't have to believe him or his testament.

I heard him say that all things would be revealed in due time, which is also characteristic of some prophesies in the Bible.

The Ark of the Covenant is not required for the Jewish Ceremony which makes a lot of this controversy irrelevant.

For me personally, the things that resonate the most with me is that before Jesus... Moses was given the law, and the means by which Sin would be forgiven by God. (Keep in mind that this service was also performed as a symbol to the Jewish people for the coming of the Messiah which would take away all the sins of the world.)

During the time of Jesus, the Bible says that the Jews were veiled and would not recognize him as their savior in order for the prophesies to be fulfilled. Who would sacrifice their savior?

After the death of Jesus... the perfect sacrifice was made and the Jewish ceremony was no longer required as atonement for sin, however the Jews at this time still did not accept Jesus. And the temple was destroyed.

Approaching the end days, there are Christians, who are saved by the blood of Jesus, and the Jews who still believe in the old covenant.

How perfect would it be, if before the third temple is built and another sacrifice made (which is not required), if God reveals the original Ark of the Covenant built by the direction of Moses, having the blood of Jesus already on it, with scientific proof of his testament and sacrifice for the Jewish people; showing that his sacrifice was already made on their behalf.... how many Jewish people do you think would put their faith in Jesus? That Jesus satisfied both the new and the old covenant so that all would believe and be saved by him. The Christians would not have to "believe" this for their salvation, but the Jews would see this as proof of their covenant being satisfied. Actually... the entire world will see this if Ron is correct.

How many people will turn away from the Mark of the Beast when they see irrefutable proof of what Jesus did on the cross?

From my studies of the Bible... God's ways are greater than man's ways... God's thoughts are greater than man's thoughts... God's plans are greater than man's plans...

God's will defeats Satan's... God's will is to save people... which is why he gave his only son, that we may live through him.

Yes, the deceptions are great, but who could refute Jesus if this if proven true?

It will be clear... choose Jesus, or take the mark of the beast.

antonio sepulveda said...

Ron Wyatt always tell the truth. and nothing of this discovery of the ark, changes the right doctrine, on the contrary, the discovery was a revelation for now understand why the ark was called Ark of the Testimony. She traveled through time to show mankind the sacrifice of Christ was real, and God received his sacrifice, and he was pleased for the salvation of all men who believe in His Son.

Church Triumphant said...

It is a sad day in Adventism when God's professed people trust to man, instead of the word of God. The Bible expressly warns us;

"Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm" Jeremiah 17:5

Ron Wyatt is wrong on many accounts, but let us get to the heart of the matter: Ron's word is a direct contradiction of God's word.

1. W.A.R. website depicts the angels that were on Wyatt's ark as located on the sides. The Bible expressly states that they were on the top of the mercy seat. The mercy seat and the angels were made from one solid piece of gold. The mercyseat was the covering to the Ark. Both the mercy and the ark were the same dimension.

2. Only the High Priest was allowed in the Most Holy Place, where the ark was housed, and that, only on the Day of Atonement. The censer of incense that he waved served in part, to partially obscure his view of the Ark.

3. Wyatt has never stated he was a Jew, of the tribe of Levi. He would have been killed supernaturally and instantly had he ventured to see the ark, in the O.T. If he was did not meet the qualifications outlined by God.

4. Wyatt amalgamated two typical events into one; the typical Day of Atonement and the typical Passover. The blood of a goat was sprinkled on the Ark of the Covenant on the DOA, not on the Passover. The typical Passover is a symbol of the death of Christ. It took place a full 6 months before the typical DOA, which is symbolic of the blotting out of sins in the antitypical sanctuary in heaven.

Stop looking to man for answers. Yes, the real Ark of the Covenant will be discovered, one day, but until then, let us place our confidence in God's word, and not in the words of a man.

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