Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Message: "Chich-Fil-A doesn't open on Sundays and their business is a success !"

Pulling out all the Stops
In this video, Sunday closing is made to appear youthful and cool, something smooth and lighthearted that can be expressed in the lyrics of a song.

spicy chicken every day
rinse and repeat for every day of the week
(Except Sunday!)
Order spicy chicken almost every day
I can't order nothin' when it's Sunday

No stone is left unturned to prepare minds to accept and demand the enforcement of Sunday as a day of rest. "For six thousand years that mastermind that once was highest among the angels of God has been wholly bent to the work of deception and ruin. And all the depths of satanic skill and subtlety acquired, all the cruelty developed, during these struggles of the ages, will be brought to bear against God's people in the final conflict." GC Introduction p. xi.

Another case in point, a New York Times article says,

"Sunday Shopping Linked With Less Happiness"
(Excerpts)  How do you spend your Sunday? For many, this traditional day of rest and churchgoing has become a day to shop, but it may be taking a toll on happiness.
Researchers from DePaul University in Chicago and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel tracked church attendance and levels of happiness among Americans living in states that had repealed so-called blue laws, which once required most retailers to stay closed on Sundays.

The researchers found that allowing stores to open on Sundays was linked with a decline in church attendance among white women, which led to a subsequent decline in happiness. Among black women, the repeal of the blue laws had no measurable effect, although that may be because the sample size was too small to draw any statistically meaningful conclusions.

Notably, the finding was true only for women. For men, the repeal of blue laws didn’t seem to influence church attendance or levels of happiness.

Since the repeal of blue laws, women are about 17 percent less likely to report being “pretty happy,” and more likely to report being “not happy,” according to the study, which is still awaiting final publication.  New York Times

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