Thursday, March 25, 2010

Have you Noticed? Discussion of the Sunday law Issue is Stealthily, yet Seemingly Innocuously, Entering into the Mainsteam Dialogue

In the first few posts and throughout this blog really, I'm trying to highlight the fact that something very startling is happening right before our eyes. Gradually discussion of Sunday enforcement is entering into the main stream and has become almost common place, yet how innocent and innocuous it sounds as they talk of family, togetherness, and beneficial results to all of society and as though it's just like any other law that must be debated and sorted out before passage. A consensus is forming. "Its professions are mild and apparently Christian, but when it shall speak it will reveal the spirit of the dragon." 5T 432. How thrilling to realize that this can only mean that our Savior is returning very soon!

I remember a Seventh-day Adventist minister stating many years ago that all it takes is just one Congressman out of 535 to propose the law and the crisis is upon us. He exclaimed, "It could happen over night!"

The end is near, stealing upon us stealthily, imperceptibly, like the noiseless approach of a thief in the night. - 9T 135

If such had only known that the work of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary would close so soon, how differently would they have conducted themselves, how earnestly would they have watched! The Master, anticipating all this, gives them timely warning in the command to watch. He distinctly states the suddenness of His coming. He does not measure the time, lest we shall neglect a momentary preparation, and in our indolence look ahead to the time when we think He will come, and defer the preparation. "Watch ye therefore: for ye know not." Yet this foretold uncertainty, and suddenness at last, fails to rouse us from stupidity to earnest wakefulness, and to quicken our watchfulness for our expected Master. Those not found waiting and watching are finally surprised in their unfaithfulness. The Master comes, and instead of their being ready to open unto Him immediately, they are locked in worldly slumber, and are lost at last. - 2T 191

In view of these considerations, how applicable and solemn these quotes are more than ever:

We say again, "Out of the cities." Do not consider it a great deprivation that you must go into the hills and mountains, but seek for that retirement where you can be alone with God, to learn His will and way. - LDE 97

I urge our people to make it their lifework to seek for spirituality. Christ is at the door. This is why I say to our people, "Do not consider it a privation when you are called to leave the cities and move out into the country places. Here there await rich blessings for those who will grasp them. By beholding the scenes of nature, the works of the Creator, by studying God's handiwork, imperceptibly you will be changed into the same image." -2 SM 355, 356 (1908).

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