Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"A Conference to relaunch the debate on Sunday protection at European level will be held on 24 March in the European Parliament in Brussels"

The Argument:  "A  common weekly rest day for the whole of society allows families to spend time with each other, and all citizens to engage in cultural, spiritual and social activities. Sunday moreover strengthens the social cohesion of our societies, which has been undermined by the current economic crisis. It therefore represents a precious achievement, which should be recognised as a pillar of the European Social Model."

Arsenio Lembert Jr., comments on his highly successful Endrtimes blog:

In regards to the EU, as we know that it is the feet of the image that Daniel envisioned; The toes of the feet that represent the end time Revived Roman Empire (E.U. and Vatican), are made of iron and clay and can not mix. So, this faux-mixture will be short lived, thank God.

However, the EU via the Vatican and the USA (or the NAU) it's image will persecute the remnant of God anywhere they may find themselves. Yet, this will sift out the 'fair weather' loyals, and will allow a people unwilling to compromise, that will be a wonder to mankind, men and women with shinning semblance; their guardian angels will protect them despite the overwhelming obstacles placed upon them.

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