"We believe in having time for family, friends and community. We believe in time to rest and enjoy ourselves. We believe in working hard and living life to the full. And we believe in keeping just one day a week a bit special."
The Keep Sunday Special campaign was started in 1985 to campaign against a proposed deregulation of Sunday trading in England and Wales.
The Keep Sunday Special campaign was set up and is run as a conventional secular civil society organisation which has supporters from all political parties, from private businesses and the Trade Unions - with which we have always worked very closely - and members of all faiths and of none.
Keep Sunday Special enjoyed great success in its initial campaign. The Shops Bill of 1986 was defeated in the Westminster Parliament – only the second time since 1924 that a government bill was defeated at second reading. In the classic case study in the Modern Law Review Imelda Maher, now a professor in European Law in Dublin, recognised that the defeat was in part due to “a highly effective grassroots campaign orchestrated by the Keep Sunday Special Campaign.” One government official said that his department had been surprised by the large number of “genuine letters from concerned people.” Keep Sunday Special is now on Facebook. Website
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