Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Sooner rather than later, we may be living in a very different country"

Excerpts: The extreme Right may control a good part of the castle, but they have yet to breach the citadel. Only, make no mistake, they mean to bring every last wall crashing down.

And if they manage this, what will they do?

Most of them would like to see the United States under biblical law.

They have nothing but disdain for the founding fathers' belief in three branches of government and the prescient system of checks and balances. Indeed, they are rewriting America's revolutionary history to accommodate their point of view.

For all of those Americans who believe that our democracy is safe, you are wrong. Today, the radical Right is winning, and they know it. Sooner rather than later, we may be living in a very different country, a country that had been ours, a country that will be theirs. - Huffington Post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just love Catherine Crier! And John, I am so impressed with your blog. It's great! Great job!

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