Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Papacy does not Believe in Religious Freedom

"Religious liberty, in the sense of liberty possessed by every man to choose his religion, is one of the most wicked delusions ever foisted upon this age by the father of all deceit. The very name of liberty - except in the sense permission to do certain definite acts - ought to be banished from the domain or religion. It is neither more or less than falsehood. No man has a right to choose his religion [how can you then convert to Catholicism!]… Shall I hold out hopes to my erring protestant brother that I will not meddle with his creed if he will not meddle with mine?… No: Catholicism is the most intolerant of creeds. It is intolerance itself." (From "The Rambler", a Catholic publication from London, England, quoted in Romanism vs. Catholicism, p. 106, by T. W. Callaway.)

In the Catholic paper "Shepherd of the Valley", published at St. Louis, Mo., USA, in 1876, under the supervision of Archbishop Kendrick, we read: "We confess that the Roman Catholic Church is intolerant; that is to say, that it uses all the means in its power for the extirpation of error and sin; but this intolerance is the logical and necessary consequence of her infallibility. She alone has the right to be intolerant, because she alone has the truth [God has all the truth. Is He intolerant?]. The Church tolerates heretics where she is obliged to do so, but she hates them mortally, and employs all her forces to secure their annihilation. When the Catholics shall be in possession of a considerable majority - which will certainly be the case by and by - then religious liberty will have come to an end in the United States. Our enemies say this, and we believe them. Our enemies know that do pretend to be better than our church, and in what concerns her history is open to all. They know, then, how the Roman Church dealt with heretics in the Middle Ages, and how she deals with them today where she has the power. We think no more of denying these historic facts than we do of blaming the saints of God and the princes of the Church for what they have done and approved in these matters." The Catholic bishop O'Connor says: "Religious liberty is merely endured until the opposite can be carried into effect without peril to the Catholic Church." (T. W. Callaway: Americanism vs. Romanism, p. 118.)

see this source

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