Friday, April 2, 2010

"And all the World Wandered After the Beast"

"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wandered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?" Revelation 13:3,4


Anonymous said...

Thank you. I did not believe I would live to see it unfolding in my life time. I feel sorrow for my grandchildren and great grand children. You are a light on a hill. I was feeling somewhat isolated because I am in the minority it seems because I do not favor the coverage on TV. Never thought I'd see it. Num. 6-2426

Unknown said...

I have been staying with my mother & father. The arrangements are temporary. They are devout Catholics. I have tried to get them to see what lies behind the curtain regarding the Pope trying to unite the religions of the world. They have both made it clear to me that no amount of evidence that I present to them will encourage them to walk away from the Catholic Church. It's a sad day when people have gotten to a point where they are no longer willing to sit down and examine the evidence. My Father can't stand me talking about The Bible unless it supports his church without error.

Sad, very sad.

Unknown said...

It doesn't matter what your faith is. Until you are willing to give up the Seventh Day of the week and recognize it as a day that He set aside for Him and His true followers, all the worshiping and praying that you do is in vain. Jesus said; If you love me, keep my commandments. Notice that He didn't say "some" of them.

Unknown said...

Sunday worship is clearly the Mark of The Beast. All the Protestant Reformers lost their lives because they believed this. Papal Rome(The Papacy/ Catholic Church) Burned them at the stake. History is going to repeat itself. As soon as the world is united under the Pope, Sunday worship will be instituted and enforced.

Anonymous said...

Sunday worship already is instituted and enforced. The only thing you can do is "Come Our of Her My People and be ye separate" as Christ commands in Revelation Chapters 17 and 18...!!! Come OUT of that "state" incorporated church system. But that still leaves us being able to buy and sell, ALL SIX DAYS OF THE WEEK...!!! Christ strictly says in His Revelation that NO man can buy or sell unless they have the NAME, NUMBER (666 computer code) or MARK (VERI-chip under skin). The NATIONAL ID was passed in the house, now waiting for passing in the U.S. House. WAKE UP PEOPLE.! Worship means to OBEY. Who do you OBEY...??? Jesus Christ and His laws or the "STATE" and it's laws. The state belongs to Caesar, the church belongs to God and Jesus Christ ONLY. But the churches all operate under a "state" incorporated NUMBER do do business as usual, wishy washing the scriptures to please the STATE...!!!

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